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Why campaign with children?

All children have the right to speak out and participate in decision-making. They know what works for them and many want to contribute positively to the development of their societies.

We need their voices in the creation and implementation of laws, policies and budgets. And they must have the opportunity to campaign, influence and hold decision makers to account.

Every year, Save the Children supports thousands of children across the world to speak out, campaign and influence change in the communities where they live, with their national governments and with the UN and other global organisations.

Tell My Leader.

We believe children’s voices and demands should be at the heart of the decisions, programmes and policies that shape their lives.

That’s why we’re campaigning with children as part of the #SaveOurEducation campaign, so they have a platform to ‘Tell My Leader’ and make demands directly to decision makers. Through a series of national and global ‘digital hangouts’, we’re bringing children together from all corners of the world with government officials. 

It is children themselves who know what they want and need, and it is their right to be heard.

Children’s Agenda for Action.

Save the Children asked over 10,000 children for their recommendations and demands of leaders regarding COVID-19. Their responses have been collated into a Children’s Agenda for Action, and corresponding child friendly document, available to download now in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

Download the Children’s Agenda for Action.

“We ask for governments to spend more money to make sure that we can continue learning while at home by providing radios, TVs and internet learning. They must make sure that children in rural areas and from poor families also get to learn. We want to see mobile libraries passing in our communities delivering books for us to learn.” 17 year-old girl, Zambia.

“All people, but primarily adolescents and young people, should have access to psychological care.” Girl, age not given, Guatemala.

“The only thing I would say is to… provide social food assistance to the families who really need it.” 16-year-old girl, Albania.

Draw Your Future.

Over 1.6 billion students have missed out on school because of COVID-19. The future of an entire generation is at risk. 

We invited children from around the world to draw a comic strip showing their hopes and dreams for the future, which wouldn’t be possible without a quality education.

Through these drawings, we will show political leaders why it is crucial that they fund and support education now and in the future.

View the full gallery