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  • Save the Children International Nigeria Portfolio

    Save the Children (SC) has been working in Nigeria since 2001 to fulfil its mission to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Discover more about SCI Nigeria’s humanitarian and development initiatives across various thematic areas, including Child Protection, Food Security and Livelihood, Health and Nutrition, Basic Education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), as well as Policy, Advocacy, and Campaigns.

  • A Gender and Power Analysis in Save the Children’s Sponsorship program impact areas, Uganda, 2024

    Save the Children (SC) is implementing a sponsorship programme in both development and humanitarian settings in Uganda. The program operates in Wakiso district in Central Uganda and the refugee settlements of Kyangwali and Rwamwanja in western Uganda. The Sponsorship program is comprised of four core programs, one non-core program, and two cross cutting programs. The core programs are Basic Education (BE), Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), School Health and Nutrition (SHN) and Adolescent Development (AD). The non-core program is livelihoods, while the two cross-cutting programs are Community Capacity Strengthening and Child Protection. A Gender and Power Analysis of the sponsorship programme was conducted to generate data that will help to understand the gender-age differences to ensure that the sponsorship program tackles gender inequalities and discrimination among boys and girls, men and women. The Gender and Power Analysis adopted a mixed method approach utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. We employed the community-based survey and the school-based survey. Both designs employed a two-stage cluster sampling design, with clustering on the villages (for household survey) or schools (for school-based survey). This approach was largely applied to the community-based survey. Gender Roles Responsibilities, & Time Use: There is high awareness and adherence to the gender division of labour and expectations. Distinct gender division of labour among women men, boys, and girls at the household level was noted across all study areas. Power and Decision-Making at Household level: Decision making on different aspects (such as land, finances, means of transport, communication) is still dominated by the male with more men making independent decisions than women, girls, and children. Access to services: Most adolescents do not have access to services in the communities, including transport (65.0%), job opportunities (88.4%), infrastructure (87.7%), social security (85.3%), safety or security (78.9%), education services (94.9%), and health services (94.1%). Awareness of the youth groups supported by Save the Children: Most adolescents were aware of the existing youth groups that are supported by Save the Children (57.1%), even though most were not members to any youth group (53.9%), but majority belonged to a social network (68.1%). Stakeholders engaged in promoting gender equality: The Government of Uganda has institutionalized several gender and child protection instruments aimed at promoting gender equality and inclusion. Several stakeholders including government institutions, CSO and community-level child protection structures, and cultural and religious leaders are engaged in promoting gender equality and inclusion. It is important the program continues to draw on the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) framework given its usefulness in helping different stakeholders to have a clear understanding of gender equality, social inclusion/ exclusion as well as discriminatory practices.

  • Afghanistan Joint Response DRA Project Endline Assessment

    Afghanistan is confronted with the challenges of climate changes and drought, which has a massively impact on agricultural livelihoods and food security. Kandahar, a province greatly impacted by the issue, faces challenges in accessing water, which negatively impacts agricultural output and livestock farming. Different survey uncovered significant levels of food insecurity within households, characterized by severe hunger and decreased food consumption. These issues were further intensified by conflicts and economic difficulties. A survey conducted in northern provinces previously (mix method study) emphasized the influence of increases in food prices, the COIVD-19 pandemic, and droughts on water and sanitation concerns. The WASH cluster has identified pressing requirements, particularly in Kandahar, for a secure water provision. Save the children executed the Afghanistan joint response (DRA) in Kandahar, specifically targeting the adverse effects of conflict and displacements onvulnerable populations. The DRA baseline 2022 survey revealed pervasive challenges in fulfilling fundamental necessities, inadequate dietary diversity and acute hunger. During the endline, project primary outcomes indicators are assessed with a specific focus on WASH, health and nutrition, household food security, MPCA and humanitarian aid, and accountability. Data were collected from 370 households in four districts in Kandahar, by interviewing the head of households and caregivers of children aged 5 years old or younger. The key takeaways by outcomes are as below

  • 2024 Titukulane Impact Brief

    Titukulane, a $75 million USAID-funded initiative running from 2019 to 2025, aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and vulnerable households in Mangochi and Zomba Districts of Malawi. Implemented by CARE and partners, including Emmanuel International, IFPRI, NASFAM, Save the Children, and WaterAid, the project supports the Malawi National Resilience Strategy (NRS) by guiding investments in agriculture, enhancing shock recovery, promoting household resilience, and improving natural resource management. The project focuses on three key domains: good governance and accountability at all levels; household, community, and systems resilience; and gender equality, women’s empowerment, and youth opportunities. Cross-cutting objectives include gender equality, governance and accountability, youth engagement, and environmental safeguarding.

  • Baseline Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) for the Addressing Climate Threats to Integrate Children into Education 2023 (ACTIVE) project from Save the Children International, Vientiane, Lao PDR

    The ACTIVE project’s objectives align with Save the Children’s broader mission, seeking to empower children, caregivers, and local authorities to understand and address the multifaceted challenges posed by the climate crisis. This involves enhancing knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to climate change adaptation and resilience-building in daily life. With a focus on Sepone District, where school enrollment rates are notably low and dropout rates are concerning, the ACTIVE project aims to bolster climate resilience in education. Climate change poses significant risks to children’s education, including disruptions to schooling, health impacts, and exacerbation of existing vulnerabilities in rural communities and among marginalized groups. The research questions are as below: RQ1: What level of knowledge (RQ1-I), attitudes (RQ1-II), and practices (RQ1-III) do school children, teachers, village authorities and caregivers in the target area have about the potential or actual impact of climate change on their everyday lives and the education sector? RQ2: Are potential or actual impacts of climate change on children’s school attendance known (RQ2-I), perceived (RQ2-II), and reacted to (RQ2-III) by the target groups? RQ3: What effects do children’s gender (RQ3-I), ethnicity (RQ3-II), and disabilities (RQ3-III) have on the conditions investigated above? RQ4: What are the most appropriate ways to convey topic-related information to the target groups?

  • Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An Investment Case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia

    This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to create more fiscal space for CSSP, describes opportunities to capitalise on the significant rates of return for scaling up these initiatives, and offers policy options for further financing these programs at scale. In addition to supporting the CSSP child rights agenda in East and Southern Africa, these findings may be useful for other countries seeking to understand public investment options for low- and middle-income countries.

  • Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Somalia

    This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to create more fiscal space for CSSP, describes opportunities to capitalise on the significant rates of return for scaling up these initiatives, and offers policy options for further financing these programs at scale. In addition to supporting the CSSP child rights agenda in East and Southern Africa, these findings may be useful for other countries seeking to understand public investment options for low- and middle-income countries. This study contributes to the ongoing conversation around social protection spending and explores the value of investing in child-sensitive social protection (CSSP). It focuses on the potential to scale up and improve the child sensitivity of the SAGAL and CSSP Pilot programs. The study finds that for every additional $1 invested in SAGAL and the CSSP Pilot, $2.4 will be returned in the case of SAGAL and $2.1 for the CSSP Pilot, making the investments cost-effective. Investments in child-sensitive social protection could assist Somalia in capitalising on the demographic dividend from its youthful population.

  • Child-Centered Photovoice Project: Seeing through the eyes of children affected by the 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye

    The 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye devastated millions, leaving children particularly vulnerable as they continue to live in temporary shelters under challenging conditions. The Child-Centered Photovoice Project empowers children aged 5-10 in two container camps in Hatay to document their lived experiences through photography. By capturing moments of their daily lives, these children offer unique insights into their emotions, attachments, and environments. The project, led by Save the Children Türkiye and partners, uses photography as a medium for storytelling, enabling children to express their perspectives, advocate for their needs, and contribute to community dialogue. Through the children’s lenses, themes such as family, nature, play, and the lingering impact of the earthquake emerge, showcasing the resilience of young minds amidst adversity. This participatory approach not only fosters emotional expression but also strengthens connections within the community, highlighting the power of visual narratives in advocating for change and improving child well-being in disaster-affected regions​.

  • Cost and Affordability of Nutritious Diets in Malawi: Updates

    Save the Children (SC) in Malawi has been monitoring the monthly household cost of a nutritious diet and assessing affordability gaps across various household types since April 2021 using the Cost of the Diet (CotD) assessment research method. The objective of this ongoing assessment is to estimate trends in the minimum cost and affordability of a nutritious diet in Malawi and to integrate SC’s Household Economy Analysis (HEA) with CotD tools to forecast future changes in diet affordability. The goal is to pre-emptively model interventions to prevent a decline in the affordability of nutritious diets, thereby averting an increase in malnutrition. This study analysed the monthly prices of 29 essential food items across 77 markets in 25 districts from April 2021 to February 2024. The food items include grains, roots, legumes, fish, chicken eggs, vegetables, oil, and sugar, with data obtained from the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) provided by the World Food Programme (WFP). Key findings indicate significant price increases: maize surged by 503%, rice by 205%, and cassava by 298%. Household energy costs rose 4.6 times, and the monthly cost of the Food Habits Nutritious (FHAB) diet for a standard five-person household increased by 210%. By February 2024, the FHAB diet was 3.1 times more expensive than in April 2021. The affordability gap widened consistently, with the gap for an average Malawian household growing from 6,000 kwachas in April 2021 to 127,000 kwachas by February 2024. For ultra-poor, poor, rural, and average households, the affordability gaps surged to 217%, 127%, 121%, and 82%, respectively. During the first 1000 days of life, the cost and affordability of the diet witnessed a notable change. Despite an increase in income for mother-child pairs from MWK 31,242 to MWK 38,122 between April 2021 and February 2024, the affordability gap doubled from MWK 7,742 to MWK 14,579 over the same period. Predictive analysis for 2024-25 forecasts maize prices rising by 52% annually, with beans, oil, and dried fish increasing by 31%, 24%, and 19%, respectively. Modelling anticipatory actions, such as cash support and agricultural inputs, shows significant potential to reduce the affordability gap. Implementing a comprehensive package of support could reduce the annual affordability gap for poor households to 307,000 kwachas. This ongoing research highlights the urgent need for targeted interventions to ensure the affordability of nutritious diets in Malawi, aiming to prevent increased malnutrition rates due to economic challenges.