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Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Save the Children promotes and addresses gender discrimination and social exclusion in order to ensure that no harm comes to children, and to advance its vision for a world where every child attains their equal right to survival, protection, development and participation.

What we do best

Gender inequality and social exclusion is a root cause of many barriers to sustainable development in Nepal. Save the Children is committed to the promotion and advancement of gender equality, inclusion of the most deprived and marginalized groups in Nepal and poverty, through our programming, advocacy, partnerships, and organization. Our organization is guided by global principles for gender equality and country policy on gender equality and social inclusion 2009. To integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), we identify and address the root causes of gender inequalities and social exclusion.

Save the Children works to empower women and girls from most deprived and marginalized communities, recognizing that the fulfilment of their equal rights is critical for positive and sustainable development. Our programs promote engagement of men and boys as key actors in promoting gender equality. Save the Children prioritizes inclusion of children and persons with disabilities in all its programming. GESI analysis is a core element of program design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting to ensure that girls and boys, women and men from the most deprived and marginalised group, have equal opportunity to participate in, influence and benefit from our programs.

Save the Children works to create support environments that enable GESI by engaging community members and institutions to change attitudes, norms and behaviours that are barriers to gender equality and social inclusion. We also work to eliminate all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, paying special attention to gender equality issues which undermine the right to protection from violence, abuse and exploitation for girls and boys. Save the Children acts as a voice through its advocacy and campaign, and by promoting legislation and policies that support gender equality and social inclusion for girls and boys from most deprived and marginalised group. In this, we collaborate with government, private sector and civil society organizations who share a common vision for gender equality and social inclusion.

The Nepal Country Office endorsed GESI policy in 2009 with a purpose to provide more opportunities to girls and boys from families most excluded including most vulnerable children through our programs. The Country Strategy Plan (CSP) 2022-2024 focuses on children who are more in need, including children with sexual and gender minority and disability, as a key population to reach within CSP period. Save the Children has developed action strategies on Dalit, girls and children with disability. Globally Save the Children has developed a toolkit on integrating gender equality and social inclusion in programming. Project concept note and proposals are assessed through GESI marker to meet the minimum standard for GESI sensitive and GESI transformative underpinning UNCRC guiding principles – Best interests of children, Participation, Non-discrimination and Survival & Development to promote diversity and equality that respects the rights of children.


Future directions

Save the Children will continue to prioritize to integrate GESI into all thematic areas. To address the gender sensitive and transformative approach to change the gender norms, values and beliefs, our programs will work very closely with boys and men while expanding more opportunity for girls and women, sexual and gender minorities with focus on the most vulnerable children – particularly Dalit, Janjati (ethnic minorities), Muslim, disabled, most deprived (economic), and/or girls – to access their rights.

Save the Children will continue to undertake GESI analysis and assess our work at every level –from proposal development to implementation - through GESI markers to ensure that the program we implement are GESI sensitive and transformative.