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Health and Nutrition

Save the Children, with its life cycle approach design, ensures that every child survives and grows in an environment that prevents them from dying from preventable causes. Save the Children works to complement and in partnership with the Government focusing on improving their capacities and strengthen systems for service delivery and with local NGOs and communities by focusing on health care practices and nutrition for newborns, children and mothers.

What we do best

Save the Children is a global leader in newborn health and survival and in catalyzing the adoption of evidence-based newborn interventions at scale through community and facility-based prevention and treatment interventions that address the major causes of neonatal mortality.

Save the Children supports the Ministry of Health and Population and its department, divisions and provincial offices to design, revise, pilot, scale-up, monitor and review of newborn, child, adolescent and maternal healthfocused activities at local, provincial and national levels. Save the Children works to improve the availability, use and quality of key health practices and sustainable community-based approaches to address critical challenges and scale-up evidence-based maternal, adolescent and child health interventions.

With partners at global, national, regional and community levels, Save the Children works to prevent malnutrition within the first 1,000 days from the start of a woman’s’ pregnancy through her child’s second birthday. Our core nutritional programming focuses on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and social and behavior change communication, and establishes or strengthens linkages with WASH, household food security, community and commercial level agriculture and community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM). We also support school health and nutrition activities to improve health and nutritional status of school going children and their families.

Save the Children supports family planning programs and contributes to the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality. Save the Children also focuses on promoting sexual and reproductive health and nutrition related services at school and for adolescents. Furthermore, we make sure children and families who have been affected by HIV AIDS can live positively and productively without stigma and discrimination. We also support the Government of Nepal to reduce the mortality, morbidity and transmission of tuberculosis, to achieve and sustain zero malaria related deaths, and to reduce the incidence of indigenous malaria cases

Future directions

Recognizing gaps in health service coverage and utilization between different population groups, and in line with global movements around universal health coverage; Save the Children would like to work with government, civil society, academia, private sector and other stakeholders to reach the unreached.

Focus would be around improving access to and quality of health, primarily focusing on maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services in the context of federalism and decentralization in Nepal.

In the COVID-19 context and our vision for the survive breakthrough, is to continue to support the government response but also adapt to the change in the modality of operation and shift to digitization of program interventions which will require us to strengthen our own, partners’, our local stakeholders’ and beneficiaries’ capacity to utilize technology for development and to tackle issues faced by children, considering gendered differences in accessing technology.