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Climate change arguably poses the single greatest challenge to the realisation of children’s rights, and threatens to undercut decades of hard-won progress to improve their lives. Despite being least responsible for this unfolding crisis, children...

The International Development and Early Learning Assessment, IDELA, is a free, easy-to-use, rigorous global tool that measures children’s early learning and development. IDELA provides ECCD programs, donors, and government partners with clear...

The Legacy Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT) was funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund from January 2016 to April 2019. The MCCT aimed to improve nutrition outcomes for mothers and children through the delivery of nutrition...

Cash transfers have become a preferred approach to address household basic needs in both development and humanitarian programming in recent years. In Somalia, since the 2011 drought, unconditional cash transfers (UCT) have continued to increase as...

Through the programme “Integrating Child Protection within the African Peace and Security Architecture”, Save the Children sought to institute and monitor a functional accountability framework on child protection within the African Union, the...

This study examines early mBoost implementation in Save the Childrens urban program Shishuder Jonno in Bangladesh. It explores the appeal of mboost to caregivers, discover the reasons that drives caregivers not listening to the full message and...

This presents the story of Burke Amsalu, a mother of four children who struggled to find sustainable income as a local-spirit vendor and laborer in the Horo Guduru Welega zone in Ethiopia. Since receiving training and livestock from Growth through...

OOSC Policy Briefing

2019 - Thailand

The policy brief on OOSC in Ranong province provides updated information on the issue of out of school children in urban areas. It also includes key advocacy points including the value for money, economic rationale for including all children in...

This booklet provides step-by-step guidance on how to deliver the Safe Schools Teacher Professional Development modules focused on Positive Discipline. It’s aimed to be used by master trainers, teacher trainers, inspectors and Save the...

The evidence review conducted for the development of Safe Schools Common Approach (Violence Free Schools element) found that Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) development was a key effective strategy for the prevention of peer violence amongst...