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This is Save the Children’s seventh Global Accountability Report, covering calendar year 2022. The report sets out our commitment to accountability and how we are working together to ensure we can be held to account for the safety and wellbeing of...

This 2 -pager is an external overview of Save the Children’s: Children’s Rights in a Digital World approach.

Take a dive with us into our inspiring child participation journey. Get ready to be Inspired! In addition to achieving change for society, what has participation done to the children themselves? Discover how children’s voices have secured...

The Annual Report 2021 from Save the Children Thailand.

The way children experience disasters and crises can be distinctly different from the experiences of adults. This results in needs and problems specific to the affected child population. For any humanitarian response to be rights-based,...

This document contains recommended approaches for Save the Children staff to formalize partnerships with girl-led groups or networks. It was informed by research as part of the Girl-Led Movement Building project, including a comprehensive...

Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death globally for children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 29. Every year around 220,000 children and young people die due to crashes on the world’s roads, the majority in low- and middle...

This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Live Free From Violence to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to...

This short guidance is part of the revision of the Life Skills for Success (LS4S) resources done in 2023 with the purpose to mainstream disability inclusion and environmental sustainability. It is a companion to the existing Life Skills for...

Since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022, a quarter of the population has been displaced. Around 1.7 million people have crossed the border into Poland to seek temporary protection from the conflict, including nearly 700...