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Protracted crises resulting from prolonged conflict, recurring drought, and natural hazards, as well as cycles of displacement characterize several parts of the Horn of Africa (HoA). The scale of crises, stretched resources and the need to support...

The lives and the health of millions of vulnerable children are at risk from a threat that receives too little attention – the rapid growth of the market for baby milk formula. The unique life-saving and life-enhancing benefits of breastfeeding...

LEARNING PACKAGE is from the Partnering to Save Lives project, of which Save the Children is a member. Community referral systems enable timely utilisation of healthcare services. Partnering to Save Lives’ periodic snapshot surveys show the...

Take a closer look at the research conducted on educational continuity in areas prone to flooding, and how the partnership of the University of Newcastle, Save the Children, C&A, and the C&A Foundation made it possible.

This report assesses the impact on children of being returned from Europe to Afghanistan. Through interviews with individual children, their parents or guardians, and with governmental and non-governmental actors, it builds a picture of children’s...

The potential gain is extraordinary. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – with their underlying pledge to reach those furthest behind first – would ensure that all children are given the chance to fulfill their potential. It would...

The purpose of our Global Accountability Report is to provide an overview of how Save the Children uses resources, achieves measurable results, and is accountable to supporters, partners and most of all, children. It identifies the types of...

In two urban areas of Indonesia and Thailand, Greater Jakarta and Bangkok, live some 20,000 refugees, with limited access to basic rights, waiting for resettlement or the chance to return to their countries of origin. This study seeks to build an...

Girls and boys, men and women, and persons with disabilities, are all effected differently during disasters, with a tendency to adopt different coping mechanisms and follow different paths. This child sensitive tip sheets shows how Save the...

This two-page briefer underscores the opportunities for integration of Infant and Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in refugee situations.