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The Legacy Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT) was funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund from Jan 2016 to April 2019. The MCCT aimed to improve nutrition outcomes for mothers and children through the delivery of nutrition-sensitive...

This case study discusses the challenges of poverty and food insecurity in rural Cambodia and the NOURISH project’s Conditional Cash Transfer initiative, which provides payments for key health and nutrition services and practices. It...

This brief summarizes the research methodology, findings and recommendations from the Gender & Power (GAP) Analysis conducted for the Skills to Succeed (S2S) Bangladesh program. The S2S program GAP Analysis is a form of action research used to...

แนวทางการทํางานกับเด็กโดยคํานึงถึงความหลากหลาย อัตลักษณ์ทางเพศ รสนิยมทางเพศ การแสดงออก และลักษณะทางกายภาพ SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics)...

Although Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia, the rates of stunting and malnutrition within the country remain high and child development outcomes are poor. The Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation (BISA), is a five-year...

In Bangladesh, 87% of the working population is employed in the informal sector, which is often characterized by unsafe working conditions and low incomes. Skills to Succeed (S2S) supports youth ages 15-24 in the transition from school to work and...

A year after – as the world still grapples with COVID-19, children and families’ lives are being turned upside down with devastating impacts on children and their rights. From health systems are being overwhelmed, economies are sliding...

The Government of Indonesia (GOI) has introduced pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) as a pilot in October 2017 in five districts of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) (Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, Lombok Utara, Lombok Tengah, and Mataram) and...

Spotlight Series: Ending child marriage for gender equality

2021 - Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia ...

Gender-based violence against girls: Ending child marriage and accelerating progress for gender equality Save the Children’s Spotlight series is a collection of country briefings to support national-level advocacy through the latest data and...

Few programs address the unique health needs of married and unmarried adolescents in Nepal and fewer still engage young, married women’s husbands and families, even though it is widely recognized that they play an important role in decision making...