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Haqqi Consortium funded by the EU MADAD, is implementing a project to support vulnerable children’s education in Lebanon between December 2021 and July 2024. The consortium, comprising Save the Children International (SCI) as the lead,...

Due to El Niño, heavy rains have hit hard central and northern Malawi, causing floods in Karonga and Nkhotakota districts. In Nkhotakota district, the flooding came as result of heavy rains from 24th February to 1st March, affecting 80,434 people ...

Violence against children encompasses all forms of harm inflicted on individuals under 18 years old, whether by parents, caregivers, peers, romantic partners, or strangers. A 2019 national survey on violence against children in Kenya revealed that...

In both Kenya and Madagascar, education faces significant challenges, particularly in times of crisis. Despite Kenya’s constitutional guarantee of basic education, millions of children remain out of school, particularly in conflict-affected...

Kenya has made significant strides in legislative and policy reform to advance children’s rights including the recent review of the Children Act 2022, effective implementation of the provisions has been a challenge. Both Kenya and Madagascar have...

In brief, visual format, this 3-pager summarizes the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs of Save the Childre globally in 2023. Key highlights from this snapshot include CVA transfer amounts by region country, from donors, and to...

Based on human rights, the CRSA looks into recognising child rights in Poland with a universal, indivisible, inalienable, and interdependent lens. Save the Children is a child rights-based organisation, which means it uses the principles of...

El proyecto “Comunidades Transformadas en Entornos de Protección de Niñez y Adolescencia que Previenen la Migración y Atienden a la Niñez Retornada”, ejecutado por Save the Children con financiamiento de la oficina miembro Save the...

Preparedness is essential to respond more efficiently and effectively in times of crisis, to ensure children’s learning continuity, enable their protection, wellbeing, and safety, and to support access to other lifesaving services through learning...

Gaza Access Humanitarian Snapshots #1 (15 July)

2024 - Occupied Palestinian Territories

Save the Children and other humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Gaza have consistently reported that Israel’s systematic obstruction of aid and its ongoing attacks on aid operations, including facilities, personnel and...