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This annual report, prepared by Save the Children’s trustees, provides the audited consolidated financial states of Save the Children International and its trading subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2014.

These factsheets and for Save the Children Thailand program summaries, from child protection, education, emergency and humanitarian response, and health program summaries through 2011-2014.

A Cost of the Diet (CotD) assessment follows a logical process from identifying the food security and nutrition problem, collecting and analysing data, through to report writing, including recommendations and conclusions. The figure below gives an...

Save the Children’s 15th annual State of the World’s Mothers report focuses on millions of women and children living in communities affected by conflict, fragility and natural disasters, and their everyday struggle to survive. More than 60 million...

One year on from Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda), children who survived the storm have looked back at the help they received and have given mixed reviews. In general, they are pleased with immediate actions taken by local government, and with...

The Thai government, international NGOs and aid agencies, and local community based organizations have invested significant resources and efforts to provide education services for the growing number of migrant children whose parents have come to...

As we approach 2015, the target date for the Millennium Development Goals, huge overall progress is being made for children – in just 15 years we have helped to almost halve the number of children dying before their fifth birthday from preventable...

The African Children’s Charter Project (ACCP) is a multi-partner, multi-location four-year project whose central goal is to promote the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in the African Union. This...

Migrants from Myanmar have been present in Thailand in large numbers for many years due to the long-term conflict, poor economy and lack of educational opportunities and jobs in the country. As a result, approximately 2.5 million migrants from...

This Crisis Modifier Operational Plan provides an overview for decision makers of two contingency plans that were developed during a 3-day Contingency Planning workshop with project staff in Aden in June 2014 as well as discussions with Save the...