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The conclusions of the international conference held in Sarajevo March 11-12, 2009, organised by Save the Children and the Norwegian government, and hosted by the President of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This major international conference ‘Where...

This third annual ‘Last in Line, Last in School’ report examines recent trends in donor support for education for children living in conflict-affected fragile states (CAFS) and those caught up in emergencies. Its broad conclusion is...

The report considers the extent to which the language used for teaching and learning can be a key barrier or enabler in achieving national and international education commitments. It examines the most appropriate policy and investment actions for...

Rewrite the Future is a global programme and campaign by Save the Children that aims to bring quality education to children in countries affected by conflict. The global evaluation seeks to investigate how Save the Children’s project level...

Rewrite the Future is a global programme and campaign by Save the Children that aims to bring quality education to children in countries affected by conflict. The global evaluation seeks to investigate how Save the Children’s project level...

Reducing risks, Saving lives

2009 - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil ...

This booklet addresses disaster risk reduction (DRR) as any activity carried out by a village, community, aid agency or government that helps vulnerable communities, and especially children, to prepare for, reduce the impact of, or prevent...

Armed conflict and natural disasters have a devastating impact on children and their education. But international awareness of the potential value of education as a source of protection in emergencies and a key to development is growing. Early...

Over the last decade, budget work, or applied budget analysis, has become increasingly recognised as an important tool for holding governments and non-state actors accountable for their policy commitments, budget allocations and expenditure....

The devastating Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004, was one of the biggest emergency responses in Save the Children’s history. Four years later, when the world’s focus had largely moved on, Save the Children continued to stand by hundreds of...

This report has been produced as a result of the consultations held between practitioners from the Save the Children Alliance Tsunami Programmes (TRP) operating in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India in the 2004 Asian tsunami aftermath. The conference,...