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Family Care First (FCF) and Responsive and Effective Child Welfare Systems Transformation (REACT), facilitated by Save the Children, is a multi-donor supported network of organizations working together to support children to live in safe,...

Save the Children carried out a global survey of children and their families to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the access to health, education, livelihoods and protection, and to collect the views of children. It is the most complete and...

Legal and policy measures that prevent and prohibit child marriage are a key approach  to protecting girls from being married before they are ready. To better understand how child marriage laws protect girls affected by crisis in the Middle...

No Safe Haven: The plight of Rohingya children across Asia

2021 - Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia ...

Wherever they are and wherever they go, Rohingya children in south and southeast Asia face discrimination, exclusion, and denial of their most basic rights. For most of these children, these challenges begin in Myanmar, where the Rohingya...

Children are better able to advocate for their own rights to lead the fight against violence against them. Children must be the drivers of their future, the actors of their own development. To achieve these objectives, they must be involved in all...

Despite prevailing patriarchal culture and gender-biased attitudes in Gaza, context-aware AISHA (Association for Women and Child Protection), engaged men, boys, women, and girls in an open and interactive dialogue about Sexual and Reproductive...

Save the Children in Kosovo commissioned an assessment on best practice models in child participation in decision-making for the “Regional CSO Strengthening 2017-2021” project. Data collection was done through desk research, and in-depth...

The Committee on the Rights of the Child has scheduled public consultations in September 2021 to foster a deeper understanding of the contents and implications of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as they relate to alternative care for...

A Zambian case study that illustrates the impact of the Safe Families common approach.

The Indonesia Skills to Succeed program provides employability skills training and job linkage support to youth with disabilities so they are able to obtain work. The program also organizes working groups with employers to advocate for changes...