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A brief case study describing gender mainstreaming approaches used in the First Read Southern Thailand project.

This report assesses the impact on children of being returned from Europe to Afghanistan. Through interviews with individual children, their parents or guardians, and with governmental and non-governmental actors, it builds a picture of children’s...

In two urban areas of Indonesia and Thailand, Greater Jakarta and Bangkok, live some 20,000 refugees, with limited access to basic rights, waiting for resettlement or the chance to return to their countries of origin. This study seeks to build an...

In the context of refugee return currently underway along the Thailand-Myanmar border, this framework provides guidance for education service providers in Myanmar to support holistic transitions for returning refugee students and their successful...

Save the Children Thailand has been implementing the First Read Southern Thailand project since 2016. The report captures the impact of the first year of project implementation in target areas of Si Sakhon district, Narathiwat province. The main...

A brief case study from Save the Children Sri Lanka describing the gender seeding approach in the implementation of Early Childhood Development parenting interventions with families working in the tea plantations.

mBoost Overview

2018 - Bangladesh

This briefer explains the mBoost approach, including key evidence from Bangladesh.    

This report discusses Grow Together, a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaign strategically designed to reduce stunting in rural Cambodia by stimulating families to use and sustain key practices in health/nutrition, water,...

Numeracy Boost Common Approach - Case Study

2017 - Asia, Caribbean, Central Asia ...

While data on student math performance in developing contexts is limited, what does exist is alarming: research conducted by SC in literacy and math in Nepal in 2013 found that grade 2 children were able to correctly respond to only 4 out of 15...

Promising Practices in Refugee Education is a joint initiative of Save the Children, the world’s largest independent children’s rights organisation, UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, and Pearson, the world’s learning company. Launched in March 2017,...