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This field research was conducted by young researchers in the Tillabéri region of Niger. It captures the views of children on the attacks on their education, why education is deliberately attacked, and the impact of these attacks on children and...

This report, the third in the ‘Consult Us on What Concerns Us’ series, details the consultations Save the Children’s Somalia team held with children to explore the impact of hunger on their lives and to give children the space to share their...

As it is important that any gender analysis (and strategy) for children be based upon the insights of children, twenty-four children from conflict-affected northern Nigeria – including 12 girls and 12 boys aged 10 to 17 – were therefore...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This presentation summarizing the...

This case study summarises an analysis conducted by CRUDAN, JDF, JDPH, and ZOA using the Dioptra tool to assess the cost-efficiency of latrine construction and hygiene kit distribution in Nigeria. The analysis reveals that: ● Latrine construction...

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted food supply chains and economic systems worldwide. With countries facing disrupted livelihoods, restricted movements, disrupted markets, border closures and rising food prices, this study aimed to understand how...

Legal and policy measures that prevent and prohibit child marriage are a key approach  to protecting girls from being married before they are ready. To better understand how child marriage laws protect girls affected by crisis in the Middle...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This presentation detailing the...

Over the past years, the world has witnessed record levels of mixed migration, mainly originating from and hosted within developing countries. Individuals and families migrate for a variety of reasons, some choose to leave to seek education and...

Animal sourced foods (ASFs) are nutrient dense foods that when consumed in small amounts provide quality protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all nutrients critical for growth and early child development. Growth through Nutrition hosted a...