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In 2021, Growth through Nutrition hosted a webinar event on the topic “Key Health, Nutrition, and Agricultural Services in the Face of COVID-19 in Ethiopia: Lessons Learned.” The event presented some of the key findings from two recent...

This field research was led by Malian child researchers in Mopti town, Mopti region, in Central Mali. It captures children’s views on attacks on their education, why education is deliberately attacked, and the impact of these attacks on children...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This study on adolescent girls&...

At the end of 2019, at least 13.4 million school-age children (5-17 years old) were internally displaced due to conflict or violence. These numbers are likely an underestimate with many internally displaced children unaccounted for due to lack of...

Covid One Year On: Why children are still out of school

2021 - Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Malawi ...

A snapshot survey carried out by Save the Children in 6 countries where schools have reopened, suggests that 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, significant numbers of the most vulnerable children are still out of school. This is not because of...

This assessment documents factors, attitudes and behaviours inhibiting male engagement in early childhood development (ECD) in Rwanda. It aims to study both rural and urban settings and to formulate recommendations for future integrated ECD...

The UNICEF-funded project (Expanding access to child protection and mental health services for children in refugee and hosting communities in Dadaab, Garissa County) being implemented by Save the Children continues to prioritize a gender...

Let Girls Learn! West and Central Africa

2021 - West and Central Africa

Whilst considerable progress has been made, gender inequalities that disadvantage girls across the globe persist in West and Central Africa. Even before schools were forced to close in response to COVID-19, 41 million children and adolescents were...

Jukwaa Letu

2021 - Kenya, Madagascar

Jukwaa Letu is a biannual newsletter produced by our Communication Department. The July to December, 2021 issue highlights our program activities in Kenya and Madagascar. Some of the stories covered include how the lives of youth in Kenya are...

A Zambian case study that illustrates the impact of the Safe Families common approach.