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Safe Back to School

Collection - Afghanistan

Save the Children’s Safe Back to School (SB2S) initiative kicked off in 2020 in response to Covid-19 and its detrimental impact on education, protection, health, and wellbeing – threatening development gains of recent decades. SB2S aims to...

In 2020, Tufts University, in collaboration with Save the Children, conducted a webinar on the core elements of food systems, external drivers, and poliitical economy issues that facilitate or impede important changes in food systems. It also...

Even though adolescence is a window of opportunity to break the intergenerational cycle of undernutrition, it remains among the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among adolescent girls. This study assessed the nutritional status and...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This presentation on women’s...

Spotlight Series: Ending child marriage for gender equality

2021 - Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia ...

Gender-based violence against girls: Ending child marriage and accelerating progress for gender equality Save the Children’s Spotlight series is a collection of country briefings to support national-level advocacy through the latest data and...

On International Children’s Day in November 2020, Save the Children Egypt launched its own edition of the global Save with Stories campaign. With 25 celebrities in Egypt throwing their weight behind the campaign, Save the Children has reached over...

In Mali, maternal and neonatal mortality remains high, with 325 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births and 33 neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births, compared to 368 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births and 34 neonatal deaths per 1,000 live...

In 2020, the Covid-19 global pandemic illustrated like nothing else in recent history the importance of building resilient health systems. It also demonstrated the urgent need for sustainable health financing to develop and maintain those systems,...

This presentation analyzes Social Emotional Learning (SEL), literacy, and numeracy skill development in the Integrated Emergency Response program with refugee and host community children in Cross Rivers and Benue, Nigeria. The project goal is to...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This is a summary report of the...