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Integrating the treatment of acute malnutrition by community health volunteers (CHVs) into integrated community case management (iCCM) can improve acute malnutrition treatment outcomes. However, little is known about the cost-effectiveness of such...

The supplementary report has been prepared by the Changa Foundation and Save the Children International, Nepal to captivate the attention of the UNCRC Committee on child rights and climate justice in Nepal, concerning the precepts outlined in the...

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kulawa project (meaning “to care for” in Hausa) is a five-year (2020-2025) initiative to support the Government of Niger in improving health, family planning (FP), and nutrition...

This toolkit includes theoretical knowledge on advocacy for facilitators who are playing a role in mentoring CYM to help them to walk through the different stages of the planned advocacy cycle while ensuring the effective participation of CYM....

“Talking helps reduce pressure” is a follow-on to a joint research endeavor between Save the Children Denmark and Tufts University FIC’s research program Early Marriage Among Female Youth in Displacement. The new study builds on the findings from...

The MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership project conducted a social norms exploration using the Social Norms Exploration Tool to understand the social norms driving child, early, and forced marriage, intimate partner violence, and early adoption...

100 days after the earthquakes hit Türkiye and Syria, millions of families are still trying to piece their lives back together. So far, Save the Children and its partners have supported 366,182 people, including 183,359 children in both Türkiye...

The priority statement on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) outlines Save the Children’s approach investing in the quality, impact, and profile of SRHR with a particular focus on adolescents. Sexual and reproductive health and...

The priority statement on Undernutrition outlines Save the Children’s approach to tackling undernutrition, addressing the global hunger crisis, and integrating nutrition in all that we do. Addressing undernutrition is essential to ensuring that...

The main objective of the learning agenda was to understand the situation of SRH service-related issues (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Access and related barriers) among young women in selected areas in Sidama Region, Ethiopia. The study was...