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Wherever Somalis go, they will strive to maintain their traditions and culture as a way of safeguarding their identity and position in society. Although most of these traditions are useful in maintaining social cohesion, others have been harmful....

This collection of stories is a mere snapshot of the communities of the regions of Kayes, Sikasso, and Koulikoro regions and the district of Bamako. These stories describe success in multiple activities and technical areas in the project aimed at...

The armed conflict in the northern province of Cabo Delgado has caused hundreds of thousands of children and their families to flee their homes, often having to leave with nothing but the clothes on their backs. It is estimated that over 1/3 of...

As it is important that any gender analysis (and strategy) for children be based upon the insights of children, twenty-four children from conflict-affected northern Nigeria – including 12 girls and 12 boys aged 10 to 17 – were therefore...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This presentation on multi...

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all children aged 6–59 months receive Vitamin A supplements if they live in a community where Vitamin A deficiency is a public health problem. In Ethiopia, Vit A deficiency in children 6-59...

Future generation’s health and well-being are bound to the fate of the planet. The need for a transformative climate action is urgent as the climate change already have devastating effects across the globe. Young people are active agents of change...

This report was commissioned by the Initiative for Child rights in the Global Compacts in view of the Africa Regional Review Meeting of the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration (‘GCM’). It provides a snapshot of how the GCM’s child...

This case study summarizes an analysis conducted by JDF, GEPADC, and Save the Children International using the Dioptra tool to assess the cost-efficiency of child-friendly spaces in Nigeria. The analysis revealed that: Constructing child-friendly...

Positive parenting in sub-Saharan Africa is undeveloped and fundamentally inadequate. Few countries have policies that focus specifically on positive parenting or a framework for parenting into which this is integrated and defined as a priority....