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Overall, the data shows progress of the project towards the overall target. This is an indication that key interventions prioritized under the ECHO INCLUDE are successfully working towards enabling increased access to quality, safe and inclusive...

The Education Needs Assessment in Mykolaiv City was conducted by Save the Children, with the support of the Japan Platform (JPF) in April 2023. It provides a current picture of educational needs and access to distance education in Mykolaiv City...

Ongoing conflict, increased impacts of climate change, lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and an ever-present cost-of-living crisis in many of the countries in which we work further deteriorated the global hunger crisis in 2022. This...

The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility, affordability and sustainability of Hand-made Reusable Sanitary Pads (HRSPs) in comparison to other types of sanitary pads based on the current market analysis and other considerations with the...

The climate crisis is making girls’ lives even harder. It destroys homes and livelihoods, driving children and their families further into poverty. And when families are forced to cut corners, it’s girls who tend to lose out. Despite being at the...

The world needs to urgently scale up climate finance to provide critical resources to support the countries and communities that are most vulnerable to climate change. Children are among the most at risk from the climate crisis but they are not...

Girls, Play and Power - Rapid Gender Analysis

2023 - China, Indonesia, Mexico ...

This analysis is based on Save the Children’s  Gender and Power (GAP) Analysis Guidance. Girls globally have less time for recreational activities or collective activism. Girls work more hours and are more likely to do paid and unpaid work...

Impact Report 2023 East and Southern Africa Region

2023 - East Africa, Southern Africa

This impact report celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to sharing with our stakeholders...

This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Children Voices to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to sharing with...

The report provides a snapshot of our ‘strategy in action’ by combining our reach figures with examples of evidence and learning from our programs, key advocacy and policy wins, as well as individual case studies and voices from children from...