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Localisation Bulletin - March 2023

2023 - Kenya, Madagascar

In this month’s bulletin we demystify localisation by moving from rhetoric to practice. We do this by highlighting some of the work that is already going on in the country office that provides a great example of localisation. One of our projects,...

Që nga lansimi i raportit “Zërat e Rinj” me 1 qershor 2022, ne si grupe të udhëhequra nga fëmijët kemi avokuar përmes diskutimeve dhe fushatës “Generation Hope” që politikbërësit në nivel qendror dhe lokal të prioritizojnë të drejtat e tona.

Nepal Country Office has developed this Early Action Protocol (EAP) for the floods. This EAP has been developed with an extensive collaboration with local and national authorities, national and international partners and the Red Cross Climate...

This training was provided in cooperation between Save the Children´s Humanitarian Leadership Center in the Middle East and Eastern Europe and the partnership unit at the Yemen country office. Over the course of four days of training to enhance...

In November 2021, Bodhi Global Analysis was contracted by SCI to undertake a midterm evaluation (MTE) of the project ‘Protecting Children Affected by Armed Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa’. The objective of the evaluation is to evaluate the project...

The Story of May Yar

2023 - Myanmar

A Myanmar case study that illustrates an integrated programme focusing on children’s learning and safety in schools, protection of children against violence, and child rights.

Save the Children International Cambodia’s RECOVER project aimed at reducing male violence against women and children, which is unacceptably high, via positive parenting groups, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) sessions for couples to reduce...

The Yazidis are a minority group of Kurdistan that have long been persecuted for their religious practices and forced to convert to Islam. On 3 August 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) brutally attacked the Yazidi community living...

At a time of growing fragmentation, limited fiscal space, and greater demand for health care, the global health architecture needs more modalities that support governments to improve self-sufficiency, and unleash more resources beyond the dollar...