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This Inclusive Education sourcebook has been developed in the framework of the Inclusive Education in Malawi Project, funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy through Save the Children Norway. It’s a source-book with Innovative teaching,...

The project ‘Remote Capacity Strengthening in Syria’ (RISE) was designed by Save the Children to strength the capacity of local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) on child protection in Syria. It was a 3-year project & different...

This manual has been prepared by the Armenia Country Office of Save the Children, as part of the Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment for People with Disabilities (LIFE) Program. Since 2012, with funding support from US Agency for...

Case study: Meet A*

2016 - Thailand

A case study from EASE (Ensuring Appropriate Safeguarding for Emigrant and Trafficked Children) programme in the Andaman area (Ranong, Phang Nga, Surat Thani, and Songkhla), which promoted child protection and child safeguarding procedures in...

Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance Global Theme, through Save the Children Denmark, contracted the Centre for Children’s Rights (CCR) at Queen’s University Belfast to support this study on children’s experiences of exercising their civil...

Save the Children’s Every Last Child campaign is fighting to change how the world thinks about – and tackles – the exclusion millions of the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged children face. Standing up for every last girl is at the heart of...

This report reviews the maritime movements of refugees and migrants across South East Asia, focusing on refugee and asylum-seeking children and their experiences in countries of origin, transit and destination. This journey typically begins in...

Save the Children’s analysis shows that even among the world’s most developed, powerful and rich economies, there can be vast disparity in how children are treated and how prosperous their futures appear to be. Many states are falling short of...

The humanitarian situation in Yemen has deteriorated month on month since the current armed conflict escalated in March 2015. Today 21.2 million people (or 82% of the population) are in need of humanitarian assistance, including nearly 10 million...

Extreme poverty continues to be a fatal outrage, but a disproportionate number of children who die or lose out on education are not ’just’ poor. Whether they live in a rich country or in one of the world’s poorest countries, they tend to...