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This one-page document describes the experience of Sela Chan, one of 6,200 women enrolled in NOURISH’s “First 1,000 Days” Conditional Cash Transfer activity, as she learned about stunting prevention practices, built her own...

This short success story shows how Ms. Tao Eng, a mother from Pursat, uses what she learned from NOURISH activities to grow a garden at home to provide nutrious food for her children and earn income and takes her children to receive health...

The Nutrition for Growth summit – the climax of the Year of Action – is a critical opportunity for the world to change the trajectory of child malnutrition. And to give children whose futures are under threat the chance to grow, develop and thrive...

Çocuklar ve gençler arasında akran zorbalığına ilişkin farkındalığın artırılması ve akran zorbalığının önlenmesinde okullar ve öğretmenler önemli bir rol üstlenmektedir.Güvenli sınıf ve okul ortamının oluşturulması, olumlu öğretmen ve öğrenci...

This report details progress on our four key pillars of the global COVID-19 response from Q2 to Q4 2020. It uses data collected from countries against each of the indicators set out in the COVID-19 response plan and uses children’s stories to...

This success story presents the story of Kemeru Abdela, a beneficiary of Growth through Nutrition. Since receiving livstock from the project and subsequently joining a savings group – Milkaina Boru (which mean’s “tomorrow’s...

Nepal’s Every Newborn Action Plan 2015 aspires to reduce newborn deaths from 21 per 1000 in 2016 to 18.9 per 1,000 live births by 2020 and to 10.9 by 2035. Improving access for early diagnosis and prompt treatment of Possible Severe Bacterial...

Cambodia reported its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on 27 January 2020. As of 27 May, there are 124 confirmed cases, and no reported deaths. Save the Children, who has been working in Cambodia since 1970, quickly leveraged its humanitarian...

In early April 2020, to halt the spread of COVID-19, an estimated 1.6 billion learners globally – 91% of the total – were out of school. For the first time in human history, an entire generation of children globally have had their education...

Conducted in the Enarji Enawuga and Liben Chiquala districts of Amhara and East Oromia, respectively, this the assessment evaluated in-kind provisions and cash transfers for agricultural inputs (livestock) to determine the best modality in terms...