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This new, flagship report looks at the situation of children living in poverty in countries around the world, shining a light on the drivers of child poverty and exploring why it persists, even in some of the wealthiest places. We also hear from...

Save the Children’s 30 members and Save the Children International each provided detailed information about their performance, governance, operating structures, policies and guidelines through a range of channels, such as annual reviews, financial...

In mid-March 2015, child-centred agencies conducted a Children’s Ebola Recovery Assessment (CERA) in nine districts across Sierra Leone to create a mechanism for more than 1,100 boys and girls, to discuss issues of concern; assess the impact of...

These factsheets and for Save the Children Thailand program summaries, from child protection, education, emergency and humanitarian response, and health program summaries through 2011-2014.

One year on from Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda), children who survived the storm have looked back at the help they received and have given mixed reviews. In general, they are pleased with immediate actions taken by local government, and with...

The African Children’s Charter Project (ACCP) is a multi-partner, multi-location four-year project whose central goal is to promote the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in the African Union. This...

This literature review is part of a greater research project on children on the move in Southern Africa, currently being finalised by Save the Children International. 

This statement represents the position of Save the Children on the protection of children from harmful work. At a time when the international community discusses a new global development framework and when many poor and vulnerable populations have...

This manual has been developed within the framework of “Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment (LIFE) for People with Disabilities” Program, funded by USAID and implemented by Save the Children in Armenia. It is intended for vocational...

This first quarterly issue of Save the Children International’s Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Newsletter includes information on what is happening in the countries with Save the Children International (SCI) offices (Nicaragua, Peru, El...