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This short guidance is part of the revision of the Life Skills for Success (LS4S) resources done in 2023 with the purpose to mainstream disability inclusion and environmental sustainability. It is a companion to the existing Life Skills for...

This short guidance is part of the revision of the Life Skills for Success (LS4S) resources done in 2023 with the purpose to mainstream disability inclusion and environmental sustainability. It is a companion to the existing Life Skills for...

This document is the full Life Skills for Success (LS4S) Toolkit. It is a companion to the existing Life Skills for Success (LS4S) Common Approach Comprehensive Overview. Life Skills for Success is Save the Children’s approach to the development...

Save the Children has identified ‘shifting the power’ to children, communities and local actors as an enabler that underpins our 2022-24 strategy. To deliver impact, we will accelerate our efforts in ensuring that power and decision making is...

Lishe Endelevu is a five-year United States Agency of International Development (USAID) funded Activity that aims to improve nutrition outcomes for women of reproductive age, children under five, and adolescent girls within the Dodoma, Iringa,...

The factsheet is a snapshot of our Child Protection work and country’s strategic impact in 2022 based on our reach figures, examples of evidence of our work, advocacy and policy wins, case studies and voices from the children. We continue to work...

In current child protection practice, agencies typically develop and implement community-level programmes by setting up and supporting child protection committees, children’s clubs or youth groups. In this practice, it is the outside agency which...

On November 3rd, 2023, at 23:48 HRS, an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale, followed by several major aftershocks, struck various places of Jajarkot and West Rukum districts in the Karnali province, located in the western part of Nepal....

Modeli i qendrave të edukimit në fëmijërinë e hershme me bazë në komunitet Ky kuadër bazohet në 5 shtylla, në të cilat bazohen edhe ndërhyrjet e Save the Children në fushën e KZHFH. Korniza shërben si udhërrëfyes për të siguruar përmbushjen e...

oPt Escalation Rapid Needs Assessment - Desk Review

2023 - Occupied Palestinian Territories

According to OCHA updates of 16th Oct, heavy Israeli bombardments on Gaza, from the air, sea and land, have continued almost uninterrupted bringing the cumulative fatality toll in the Gaza Strip to 3,000, including at least 853 children as...