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Malawi has made significant progress in improving nutrition outcomes in the past decades. Despite this, the rates of stunting and anaemia remain high and overweight and obesity amongst women is rising. Malawi remains one of the most committed...

Research led by the Civil-Military and Access Initiative at Save the Children Sweden in collaboration with the Norwegian Refugee Council examines the deprivation of basic resources, goods and services and the protection issues experienced by...

The baseline survey of the project “Promoting inclusive education throughout primary and lower-secondary education” processed the baseline data of the eight new target schools of the project by assessing readiness to support 4-5th grade students...

Save the Children have spoken to over 50,000 children across 6 continents, including over 8,000 children across different countries in the Middle East and North Africa region, to find out what they think about climate change and economic...

Since the escalation of conflict in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, more than 1,000 children have been killed or injured in the country. This is tragic and likely an underestimation. By October 2022, nearly one-third of the population was displaced...

This document sets out Save the Children’s understanding, experience and value-add on the topic of shock-responsive social protection. It situates this work in relation to other related areas of work, helping to clarify overlapping and often...

The Global Medical Team are pleased to share their first ever Annual Safety and Quality Audit Report. In Q4 2021, 14 audits were conducted across 7 priority countries to assess the safety & quality of SCI-delivered medical services. Led by the...

Children make up 50% of those affected in humanitarian crises and are disproportionately impacted by conflict and crisis. Throughout 2020 and 2021, COVID-19, conflict and climate change have been impacting children at unprecedented scale, putting...

This factsheet provides an overview of the Saving Women and Preterm Babies project (SWAP), a three-year project being implemented in five health facilities in the four divisions of Kampala in conjunction with the Ministry of Health (MOH), Kampala...

Save the Children implemented a Rapid Needs Assessment in December, 2022 in Palma district, Cabo Delgado, with a focus on informing the education and child protection priorities. The review included visits to four primary schools (EPC Quionga, EPC...