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Côte d'Ivoire Country Briefing

2006 - Côte D'Ivoire

The quality of education has worsened since the beginning of the civil war in Côte d’Ivoire in 2002. The retention rate is 52 percent and absenteeism of children can be quite high. Children have few opportunities to participate in school...

The what, why, and how of each of Save the Children’s child participation practice standards. The primary purpose of these practice standards is to ensure consistent high quality child participation practice throughout Save the Children’s...

‘Listen and speak out against sexual abuse of boys and girls: 10 essential learning points’, is a Save the Children report on sexual abuse based on consultations carried out in Canada, Colombia, Brazil, South Africa, Romania, Spain,...

Save the Children Sweden South East Asia and the Pacific’s regional submission to the UN Secretary General’s Global Study on Violence against Children. A rights-based account of what is known (research), what is happening (legal) and...

A publication that clearly responds to questions formulated by children and adolescents about the UN Study on Violence against Children. The booklet is based on the questions children and adolescents sent by e-mail between the months of January...

Exposure to natural disasters has a devastating impact on the psychological and social well-being of children, adolescents and adults. It is now widely accepted that early psychosocial interventions that help to mitigate the effect of trauma,...

What is the United Nations Study on Violence against Children? is a child friendly concept paper of the UN Study on Violence against children. The paper explains the United Nations (UN) Study on Violence against Children and is written mainly for...

A report put together by Save the Children’s Child Participation Working Group, showing Save the Children’s learnings from supporting children’s participation during the UN General Assembly’s Special Session on Children. It sets...

This Resource Handbook is the result of collaborative efforts by members of the International Save the Children Alliance in Southeast, East Asia and the Pacific to research the physical and emotional punishment of children, using verifiable...

This report was written to capture Save the Children’s experience with working children, and draw from it principles of good practice. Projects for working children have been in the front line of Save the Children initiatives to help...