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Since 2015, Save the Children has responded to the regional migration crisis in northern Central America. Based on our experience and our aim to cover the urgent and recurrent needs of families in this region, we are launching a new strategy...

Drawing on the Theory of Change, this study sought to identify the causes and solutions related to social inclusion/ exclusion in the study settings (Wakiso district sub-Counties of Namayumba, Masulita, Gombe and Kakiri and two refugee settlements...

Suchana: Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh is a multisectoral nutrition programme that aims to reduce chronic undernutrition among children under two in poor and very poor households in Sylhet and Moulvibazar districts of Bangladesh...

The Right to Survive

2022 - Somalia

It is now 15 years since Save the Children first arrived in the coastal areas of Puntland. When we first arrived in Puntland, the main objective was to respond to the Tsunami disaster that hit many countries in eastern regions of Somalia in 2004....

Results from the Young Voices Survey 2022 conducted in Kosovo during September – October 2021, show that 84% of Kosovar children think that it is important that politicians and decision makers hear what children think. One of the key factors...

Weak health systems in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) mean many people have no access to essential health services. The children and adults most impacted by inequalities and discrimination often face the biggest barriers. Even...

This annual report, prepared by Save the Children’s trustees, provides the audited consolidated financial states of Save the Children International and its trading subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2021.

This impact profile highlights key Save the Children Education achievements in East and Southern Africa region during the strategic period of 2019 – 2021.

Between Dec. 2021 and Sept. 2022, Save the Children has supported a global Consultancy on Green Jobs. Lead by SC Italy, a global Green Jobs Task Force (GJTF) has worked to position Save the Children in the field of the green economy and has...

This impact profile highlights key Save the Children Health and Nutrition initiatives in East and Southern Africa region during the strategic period of 2019 – 2021.