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Background: The 2020 global estimates on child labour saw an increase of child labour globally for the first time in 20 years – from 152 million to 160 million, and an estimated increase of child labour at around another 10 million by the end of...

Access to quality education is already an ongoing challenge for learners from poor families, learners with disabilities, and learners from rural areas even before the COVID-19 pandemic, and this has only exacerbated the inequalities. During the...

Factsheet Guatemala

2022 - Guatemala

Guatemala is a country of origin, transit, and reintegration of migrants. Home to 16.3 million people and marked by a violent past, Guatemalan society is still highly unequal and characterized by racism and discrimination. Moreover, the country is...

Factsheet Mexico

2022 - North America

Mexico embodies the four stages of the migration process: origin, transit, destination, and return. Jointly with the U.S., the country forms the most important international migratory corridor worldwide. Since the end of 2018, when the migrant...

This material is a bimonthly bulletin on the conditions of refugees and migrants in Greece.

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the use of Save the Children’s MAMI Monitoring & Evaluation tools. The package is aimed at health/nutrition technical staff and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)...

This technical brief describes USAID Growth through Nutrition Activity’s efforts to break the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition in Ethiopia by implementing social and behavior change activities to improve adolescent nutrition,...

Save the Children International (SCI), together with Inma Consortium partners (Akkarouna, Plan International and the Lebanese Organization of Studies and Training) and funded by the European Union, conducted Household Economy Analysis (HEA)...

This report summarizes the findings from a household economy analysis baseline assessment in the Northwestern Agropastoral Livelihood Zone in Somalia. It provides an overview of the typical livelihoods in this zone, detailing income, food and...

This brief provides critical up-to-date data on the humanitarian situation affecting household with disability across the sectors of: health; nutrition; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); food security and livelihood; children’s education,...