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Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a rights based and gender transformative approach to enhance adolescent knowledge and skills around sexuality, with the goal of enabling young people to make informed desicions and...

68 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2017, double those displaced in 2005. More than half are children, many of whom are likely to be amongst the poorest and most vulnerable children on the planet. As trends of displacement move...

This success story highlights the experience of Beyenu Workinesh, a mother of three who lives in the community surrounding Debre Markos University, and the ways in which integrating nutrition-sensitive agriculture content into undergraduate...

This success story details how Kidist Tadesse, a graduate from Hawassa Poly Technic College in Water Treatment, is the only water quality expert in the Awada Boricha Water Supply Project. However, following an intervention by Growth Through...

In commemoration of its founding 100 years ago, Save the Children releases its third annual Global Childhood Report to celebrate progress for children. Children born today have a better chance than at any time in history to grow up healthy,...

The Legacy Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT) was funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund from January 2016 to April 2019. The MCCT aimed to improve nutrition outcomes for mothers and children through the delivery of nutrition...

Cash transfers have become a preferred approach to address household basic needs in both development and humanitarian programming in recent years. In Somalia, since the 2011 drought, unconditional cash transfers (UCT) have continued to increase as...

This presents the story of Burke Amsalu, a mother of four children who struggled to find sustainable income as a local-spirit vendor and laborer in the Horo Guduru Welega zone in Ethiopia. Since receiving training and livestock from Growth through...

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted 30 years ago, has contributed to a transformation of historic proportions. On most measures, the lives of children today are on average dramatically better than 30 years ago. Hundreds of...

For children in Afghanistan, the war has exacted a heavy toll of suffering and continues to pose a number of profound threats. Prolonged conflict exposes children to toxic levels of stress, affects their access to education and health facilities...