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The devastating Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004, was one of the biggest emergency responses in Save the Children’s history. Four years later, when the world’s focus had largely moved on, Save the Children continued to stand by hundreds of...

Most people recognise instinctively the role of education in preventing conflict and in building peace and the dangers inherent in the abuse of education systems. Against this background, part of the purpose of this report is to set out – on...

For the last decade, Côte d’Ivoire has experienced a socio-political crisis, which has had severe humanitarian consequences for children. Children’s enrollment and access to school have greatly declined, as did the quality of the education...

Last in Line, Last in School 2008 demonstrates the urgent need for donors to increase aid for education in conflict-affected fragile states (CAFS). It highlights the need for an international aid architecture that ensures long-term and sustainable...

The devastating Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004 was one of the biggest emergency responses in Save the Children’s history. Three years later, Save the Children continued to stand by hundreds of thousands of children and family members who...

A Mapping of National Child Protection Systems

2007 - Cambodia, China, Costa Rica ...

This summary report provides a concise overview of the current status of national child protection systems in countries where Save the Children is operating, and has been written as an input to the Global Workshop in Costa Rica on ‘Right Based...

Though Angola’s 27-year civil war ended in 2002, the country still ranks as one of the worst places for children to grow up.The debt-ridden government spends much of its budget on food and health, leaving little for education.Save the Children is...

43 million children living in countries around the world wrecked by war and armed conflict are being left without the chance to go to school. This report is part of Save the Children’s five-year Rewrite the Future education initiative, which...

Côte d'Ivoire Country Briefing

2006 - Côte D'Ivoire

The quality of education has worsened since the beginning of the civil war in Côte d’Ivoire in 2002. The retention rate is 52 percent and absenteeism of children can be quite high. Children have few opportunities to participate in school...

The devastating Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004, was one of the biggest emergency responses in Save the Children’s history. Two years later, Save the Children continued to stand by hundreds of thousands of children and family members who...