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This study report points out the gap in the policy and practices related to disability ID card distribution, identifies an appropriate model of disability screening considering the current definition and classification to facilitate the disability...

This report provides an overview progress and findings from the first phase of the Connect Project which aims to develop approaches to increase first time mothers’ (FTMs’) postpartum family planning  (PPFP) use that can both be feasibly...

This report summarizes the findings from a People-Driven Design process to identify small doable actions to improve child nutrition and development in Balaka and Ntcheu districts in Malawi. The process was based on formative research (available...

This report summarizes the findings of a formative research study conducted in Balaka and Ntcheu districts in Malawi, to guide the Social and Behavior Change component of the Maziko – integrated Maternal and Child Cash Grant pilot project. The...

In the last 20 years, the Sri Lankan textile and apparel industry has established itself as the single largest export revenue generator in the country. With nearly 5.3 billion USD export revenue in 2019, as well as employing 400,000 direct workers...

Save the Children International Regional Programming Unit under the Sida Children on the Move programme has conducted a study to assess the impact of current cross-border coordination practices for the protection of migrant children in Southern...

The Cold Wave Early Action Protocol has been designed for the implementation of cold wave early actions based on the weather forecasts in Raptisonari and Narainapur Rural Municipalities, Nepal. It includes cold wave risk analysis, thresholds and...

Children across Syria want the same things: to travel to school safely, learn in clean and adequate surroundings, learning from trained teachers, and with modern equipment. They want the type of education they know other children across the world...

Factsheet Honduras

2022 - Latin America

Honduras is a major origin country of migrants. Home to 9.7 million people, the country is one of the poorest in Central America facing increasing social, economic and natural risks in a context of fragility. The COVID-19 pandemic and hurricanes...

Climate change isn’t a threat to the future. For the world’s 2.4 billion children, it’s a global emergency today. The Generation Hope report sets out why this emergency is deeply connected to inequality – including compelling new evidence on the...