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Our Youth Empowerment Programme, funded in partnership with Bulgari, supports rural youth in northern Uganda to access savings and financial services, get vocational skills, start small businesses, and advocate for change in their communities. 

Save the Children co-leads the adolescent sexual and reproductive (ASRH) sub-working group within the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG) and works with other group members to garner support for a roving ASRH...

Researching Unaccompanied and Separated Children on the Move: Lessons learned

2020 - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria ...

During 2018 and 2019 the Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub carried out research on informal practices of unaccompanied and separated children traveling the Balkans route. The results are presented in the report Struggling to Survive. The...

While the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is still relatively low in Cambodia at the time of writing, the impact of Covid-19 on children and families is already quite pronounced. It’s clear that COVID-19 could undo years of progress made in...

Save the Children is committed to placing children and their communities at the centre of decisions we make about our work. Feedback and Reporting Mechanisms (FRMs) are one way that we can hear about the ideas and concerns of the children and...

En janvier 2020, le projet régional « Amélioration de la protection des enfants et jeunes en mobilité sur les principales routes migratoires de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (PROTEJEM) » a été officiellement lancé en Côte d’Ivoire, en Guinée Conakry, au...

Understanding the importance of measuring the gap in knowledge, perception, attitude, communication channels, and existing barriers to effective design of evidence-based institutional communication and campaigning strategies; Save the Children...

The Covid-19 outbreak has the significant potential to stretch and cripple national infrastructures in many countries around the world. The impacts of this collapse on health, food, and economy will hit the most vulnerable groups the hardest....

Growth through Nutrition has been providing technical and financial support to nutrition quality improvement at Primary Health Care Units in Ethiopia. This study report summarizes some of the key findings from research conducted by Tufts...

This material presents the success story of a mother of seven and community leader who grew her own small fish powder business to help the children in her community.