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9 Oct 2024

Education disrupted for sixth year for 1.5 million children in Lebanon, with half of public schools used as shelters

This is the sixth year of significant disruptions to education for children in Lebanon, who have been hit by multiple complex crises for decades without being able to fully recover.

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9 Oct 2024

STAFF ACCOUNTS: Siege and bombardment of Sudan’s El Fasher pushes children, adults to the limits of survival

Eight aid workers describe their experiences of the brutality of the constant bombardment in El Fasher. 

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4 Oct 2024

Death rates from cholera outbreaks surge in Sudan and Nigeria as flooding, conflict hinder treatment

Death rates from major cholera outbreaks in Sudan and Nigeria have surged to up to three times the global average putting thousands of children at risk as cases continue to rise as conflict and flooding hamper access to treatment, said Save the Children.


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3 Oct 2024

One in Six Children in Haiti one step away from famine conditions – Save the Children

One in six children in Haiti are now one step away from famine-like conditions. 

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children in displacement centre

Endless volcanic activity takes toll on children’s mental health, one month since Mayon Volcano started erupting

Endless volcanic activity takes toll on children’s mental health, one month since Mayon Volcano started erupting

Save the Children statement card

Save the Children calls on the EU to take responsibility to save lives at sea, following reports that a boat carrying children missing off Canary Islands.

Save the Children calls on the EU to take responsibility to save lives at sea, following reports that a boat carrying children missing off Canary Isla

A drawing of a child suffering from traumas

Stripped, beaten and blindfolded: new research reveals ongoing violence and abuse of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military

Save the Children have issued a report on Palestinian children in Israeli military detention


Sudan: Children as young as 12 raped and assaulted, as sexual violence rips through the country

Teenage girls are being sexually assaulted and raped by armed combatants in Sudan in alarming numbers

Kramatorsk railway station survivor Zoriana*, 12, is drawing her home in Kramatorsk at her school in a village in western Ukraine

At least three children killed or injured on average daily in 500 days of war in Ukraine

Kramatorsk railway station survivor Zoriana*, 12, is drawing her home in Kramatorsk at her school in a village in western Ukraine


First girl to brief UN Security Council in person calls for children to have a voice in peace processes

A girl will address the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York in person today for the first time in its nearly 70-year history, using her experience

Save the Children statement card

Cross-border aid to North West Syria must continue to ensure children survive, says Save the Children

Cross-border aid to North West Syria must continue to ensure children survive, says Save the Children


Save the Children launches 2023 Journalism Award for reporting in Latin America and the Caribbean

Save the Children, with the support of the Inter American Press Association and the Gabo Foundation, has launched the second edition of its Journalism