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A Dangerous Delay 2: The Cost of Inaction

2022 - Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia

One person is likely dying of hunger every 48 seconds in drought-ravaged Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia. More than a decade since the delayed response to the 2011 famine that killed more than 260,000 people in Somalia – half of them children under...

In 2020, Save the Children Kenya & Madagascar undertook a holistic approach to digital transformation with an aim of transforming our business processes and programs. A Human centred design approach to understand how digital could benefit...

This country fact sheet provides a snapshot of the NFM III (2021-2023) Global Fund HIV Program in Myanmar, including program goals, key activities and results. This document is useful for the general public and technical stakeholders who would...

This country fact sheet provides a snapshot of the NFM III (2021-2023) Global Fund Malaria Program in Côte d’ivoire, including program goals, key activities and results. This document is useful for the general public and technical stakeholders...

This country fact sheet provides a snapshot of the NFM III (2021-2023) Global Fund Malaria Program in Nepal, including program goals, key activities and results. This document is useful for the general public and technical stakeholders who would...

Save the Children (SC) is piloting an approach to provide an integrated rapid response in situations of acute emergency in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. The approach is called RIRE, short for the French: Réponse Intégrée Rapide pour les Enfants ...

A product of the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group, developed by Save the Children with input of members of an Advisor Group, this report represents the first stock take to highlight Member State adoption of measures to maximize...

For decades, complex structural social, and economic factors, as well as environmental degradation, have been deteriorating the living conditions of children and their families in Northern Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,...

This paper is the by-product of the high-level virtual side event held on 23 May 2022 during the United Nations Protection of Civilians (POC) Week in New York. This was the POC Week’s singular event on conflict and hunger and was supported by...

This report provides an up-to-date assessment of the situation and needs of families and children in Pakistan, following the unprecedented rains and floods in the 2022 monsoon season. The overarching objective is to provide timely evidence on the...