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This synthesis showcases how Save the Children leveraged its internal funds to implement a cash-for-food project amidst drought and conflict in Tigray. The initiative successfully addressed food insecurities by reaching 3,347 households,...

The baseline study sought to establish and document the status quo, to which attribution of the project can be measured during mid-term and end line of the project life cycle, determine the challenges faced by families living in the coastal...

Final project report for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s MaMoni Maternal and Newborn Care Strengthening Project (MaMoni MNCSP), which was designed to contribute to the Health, Population and Nutrition Sector...

Act to End Neglected Tropical Diseases | East program is a five-year USAID funded program (2018-2023) led by RTI International, in partnership with Save the Children and other partner organizations with experience in implementing projects in line...

In November 2022, Save the Children Kenya & Madagascar launched the inaugural digital innovation challenge targeting young people aged between 18 and 35 years. The digital innovation challenge sought to: 1. Identify digital solutions with high...

Save the Children (SCI) implemented a four-year “EU Support to Early Recovery from Conflict and Resilience Building” project in Yobe State from January 15, 2019, to January 14, 2023. An endline evaluation conducted in March 2023...

The factsheet is a snapshot of our Health and Nutrition work and country’s strategic impact in 2022 based on our reach figures, examples of evidence of our work, advocacy and policy wins, case studies and voices from the children. We continue to...

Progressing health for all – Stories of Save the Children

2023 - Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria ...

Universal health coverage means ensuring access to quality health services for everyone, while making these services free at the point of use. Considering the growing health inequalities, increasing demand for health services, and fragmentation of...

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kulawa project (meaning “to care for” in Hausa) is a five-year (2020-2025) initiative to support the Government of Niger in improving health, family planning (FP), and nutrition...

This technical brief aims to describe USAID Advancing Nutrition’s technical assistance to the government of Mozambique from 2019-2022, including our challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for future efforts. We gathered these reflections...