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This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Healthy Start in Life to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to sharing...

Izveštaj o Klimatskim Promenama i Zaštiti Životne Sredine u Opštini S. Mitrovica Konsenzus je da je podizanje sv esti građana ključna stavka u smanjenju posledica ovih problema. Mladi kao pr vo potencijalno rešenje vide aktivnu i široku kampanju o...

No child should ever come in contact with a military court, or any court that lacks comprehensive fair trial rights and basic safeguards. Yet hundreds of Palestinian children are held under Israeli military custody each year with profound...

Let's Play: Behavioral Edition

2023 - Bhutan, Rwanda

Let’s Play: Behavioral Edition is a practitioner’s guide to applying behavioral insights to encourage the uptake of play-based approaches to early childhood development among caregivers. Play is children’s spontaneous way of exploring and learning...

Listen. And Act.

2023 - Global

Children today are growing up in crisis. Across the world, 183 million children face the triple threat of high climate risk, poverty and conflict. A world still reeling from the human and economic impacts of a global pandemic now faces a hunger...

In 2022, Save the Children held a series of hearings with 58,035 children from 46 countries to understand children’s experiences of climate change and inequality, their ideas and recommendations for addressing the issues, and how organisations...

The Story of Zar Chi

2023 - Myanmar

A Myanmar case study that illustrates an integrated programme focusing on children’s learning and safety in schools, protection of children against violence, and child rights.

The supplementary report has been prepared by the Changa Foundation and Save the Children International, Nepal to captivate the attention of the UNCRC Committee on child rights and climate justice in Nepal, concerning the precepts outlined in the...

This toolkit includes theoretical knowledge on advocacy for facilitators who are playing a role in mentoring CYM to help them to walk through the different stages of the planned advocacy cycle while ensuring the effective participation of CYM....

The MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership project conducted a social norms exploration using the Social Norms Exploration Tool to understand the social norms driving child, early, and forced marriage, intimate partner violence, and early adoption...