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Our Work

Save the Children has been implementing humanitarian response and development programs in Sierra Leone since 1999. We now operate in seven of Sierra Leone’s 16 districts with a portfolio focusing on health, education, livelihood, climate change, gender and inclusion. child protection and child governance.

In 2023, we reached over 1,741,159 children and over 65,000 adults with programming, advocacy, and support to government agencies across multiple sectors within our operational districts, including emergency preparedness and response. A range of institutional and private donors support our current portfolio.

Our current Country Strategic Plan covers 2022-2024 and sets out our Overall objectives in six core thematic areas:

● Health and Nutrition (focus on adolescents and maternal child health)
● Education
● Child Protection
● Child Rights Governance
● Food Security and Livelihood
● Climate Change

Save the Children in Sierra Leone currently implements programmes in the following areas:

2/7 4:5 CAROUSEL: Wildfires and how they impact children

This carousel highlights the increase in wildfires and how they are impacting children